Saturday, November 24, 2007

Selling online.

How To Sell A Product Online. 3 Steps To Get Started.

Online businesses continue to grow. Every day, new merchant start-ups are added to the World Wide Web and successful businesses expand. The internet has literally changed the face of doing business. If you’re interested in joining the ranks of individuals who are making money online, here are the three basic steps you’ll need to take to get started.

Step. 1. Choose your product. In the world of online sales, there are a number of options for you to choose from.

Sell a product. If you’ve ever been interested in retail but are not interested in opening up a brick and mortar type store this business is for you! You actually have two ways to go when you sell products you can sell products that you’ve made like candles, jewelry, Santa letters, costumes, pet treats etc., you can find companies that dropship, or you can become a direct sales consultant.

Direct sales consultants are essentially independent sales people for other companies. They’re self employed and generally market their business online and via home based parties. Common direct sales companies include Avon, Shacklee, and Discovery Toys. These are only a few of the hundreds of direct sales opportunities available

Dropshipping means the manufacturer or wholesaler will ship the product directly to your customers upon ordering. Again, the sky is the limit here, you can find just about any type of product you’re passionate about and start selling. For example, are you crazy about cooking, there are certainly wholesale companies that cater to the culinary industry.

Selling information. Information marketing is growing by leaps and bounds. It encompasses selling books, online courses, audio books or courses – anything that can be downloaded online can be sold. You can build an information marketing empire around your specific and unique knowledge or a topic that you are interested in. If the idea of creating your own information products is not to your liking, consider purchasing resale rights to books that other people have written or find a ghostwriter to have your products written for you.

Information website. The last type of business that you can open is an information based website. You can develop an entire website devoted to your specialized knowledge or area of interest. Information websites make money selling advertising space and promoting affiliate products. . You can also make good money as an affiliate marketer. This means that if your passion is helping people cope with food allergies and you have favorite food products, cookbooks, and information on the subject you can partner with the manufacturers of these companies to make a commission from any sales you send their way.

Step 2. Build your website. Building your website is a very important step. In fact it is critical. The good news is that it isn’t irreversible. If you choose a keyword that doesn’t sell, you can change your keywords. The first thing you will want to do, once you’ve determined what type of online business you’re going to open is determine your target audience. Here are a few questions to ask.

How old are they?

How much do they make?

Male or female?

Do they have children?

Are they married or single?

What are their problems as they relate to your product? For example if you’re selling patio furniture, what solutions are you providing?

How do they normally shop?

Where do they live?

The next step to building your website is to build a focused site. Using the patio furniture example above, a website could be devoted to patio furniture, teak patio furniture, wrought iron patio furniture, patio furniture care, patio furniture cushions, patio furniture accessories etc…The more focused your website, the easier it is to meet your customer’s needs and to make a profit. If you instead try to meet everyone’s needs then you’ll spread yourself too thin and not meet anyone’s needs. This is particularly important because the more you specialize and focus your site, the more you’ll be seen as an expert and the results will be profits.

The key to any successful website is to fill it with useful content. Content achieves many things including:

Driving traffic

Encouraging return traffic

Improving your search engine rankings

Offering benefits to your visitors

Selling your product

Establishing your credibility

Generating press


The types of content you can create for your website is virtually boundless. You can create articles, reviews, blog postings, ebooks, videos, audios, tutorials, guidebooks, workbooks, online courses, case studies, reports, ezines, etc…

The key to your content and to driving traffic to your website is to optimize your pages. Optimization will include adding title tags and description tags to your web pages. It will also include incorporating your keywords into your online content. Search engine spiders search for this information. As they find it, they use it to establish where you rank when a person searches for your keywords, products, or services.

Step 3. Traffic. The best way to drive the profits of an online business is to drive traffic to your website. Driving traffic in web-speak means getting visitors to visit your website. Here are just a few of the ways you can drive traffic and build your business:

Content. Content as stated in step 2, is a critical element of your copy. One of the hurdles many business owners face is dealing with the time it takes to create copy. This can be overcome by hiring a writer to handle the task. However, it is generally beneficial to include your personal touch to your business and writing some, or all, of your own copy is an excellent way to accomplish this. Back to traffic…how does content increase your traffic? The simplest answer is that the search engines really like to see content on your sites and the more frequently you update your site and add content, the better your search engine ranking will be. As your search engine ranking increases, so too will your visibility and the number of visitors. If you offer quality content, new visitors will become loyal visitors and customers.

Advertising. Pay per click campaigns are a good way to drive targeted traffic to your website. However, online you can also advertise in ezines, blogs, and other people’s websites. Offline you can advertise in your yellow pages, flyers, chamber of commerce and more.

SEO. Search engine optimization has three basic elements: optimizing your web pages for keywords or keyword phrases, optimizing your content for keywords and keyword phrases and generating incoming links. There are of course several methods for each of these three elements. The main ingredients for all three are your keywords. Spend time generating, and testing, quality keywords and the rest will fall into place.

Networking, offline and online. Networking is worth its weight in gold. Meet and connect with the right person and your company’s profits could sky rocket. Networking can be accomplished online with networking groups, mastermind groups, forums, chat rooms and blogs. Offline, networking with your local business organizations and associations that are relevant to your business will prove invaluable.

Email and direct marketing campaigns. Marketing campaigns can be excellent tools to not only promote a product but to also promote awareness of your company’s products and drive traffic to your website.

There are many important steps along the way to selling products online and when you understand the steps involved, your job becomes a lot easier and your profits are only a few steps away.

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